27 January 2015

All Chaos

And the last and most dangerous of the monster factions from the classic Heroquest: Chaos (sorry no ogres or weirder things yet).

26 January 2015

All Undead

Now the turn to show all the different undead minions in my approach to Heroquest. Braaaaaaaaaaains!

23 January 2015

All Greenskins

In the coming days I will be posting photos of the three major factions of foes in my Heroquest. Enter the Whaaaaaaaaaaaag. Enjoy.

From left to right: in the upper panel, a snotling, a goblin, an orc and a black orc; and in the lower panel, a goblin boss, an orc boss, a black orc boss and a mighty fimir.

22 January 2015

More Heroquest

And some scenes from my own take on the classic board game.

 Who is stronger?!

Bring it on!

21 January 2015

Long Live Crowd Funding

I think that we are living one of the best times to be a tabletop/RPG fan thanks to crowd funding. Have you seen the new Conan game? did you have the chance to have a look at the Twisting Catacombs a couple of months ago? (there was some serious Heroquest shit in there) And have you noticed that this year is the Heroquest 25th Anniversary (depending on which country you live...). There are some even for the Chibi fans!

And one thing my money would be flying to if someone did a serious crowd funding (for my taste, a much better board game than Space Hulk...):

20 January 2015

Hero Quest in Action

I have been somewhat absent from here in the last months since I've doing a thing I wanted to do for years, of which I will speak at some other time. Now, some Hero Questing from my custom project to leave the rust behind!

The Highborn taking on the legions of the dead

The Elf and the Wizard cornered by a zombie mob

And my own personal version of the four classic Heroquest heroes